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For any religious house the prayer life of the of the community has to be central to the life lived. And such is the case with us - even though we are few in number we maintain the daily monastic office. It is the prayer of the church, and we unite ourselves with all who are praying.

Our day begins and ends with prayer - as monks have done throughout the centuries. Our prayer life helps carry us through the day - Sext is a special moment of rest in the middle of the work day, and Compline, at the end of the day, helps bring us to a place of reconciliation, peace and stillness with the Lord and one another. We then move to our cells for the night. We rest with God, and rise the following day to begin anew.

Thomas Merton said:

"Hence monastic prayer, especially meditation and contemplative prayer, is not so much a way to find God as a way of resting in him whom we have found, who loves us, who is near to us, who comes to us to draw us to himself.”

Guests are welcome to join us in the chapel for payer sitting quietly and listening as we meditate on the psalms. However at the moment we have only sufficient prayer books for the monastic community. And because we are few in numbers we are better able to 'hold' the rhythm of the prayer as we pray side to side in choir.

The prayer schedule is part of your welcome packet included with your room key.


6:30 - Rising Bell
7:00 – Lauds
7:30 - Mass (except on Monday at 5:30 pm)
9:00 – Terce
12:40 – Sext and None
4:30 – Rosary
5:30 – Vespers
7:30 - Compline

6:30 – Rising Bell
7:00 – Lauds
9:30 – Mass
4:30 – Rosary
5:30 - Vespers

Wednesday evenings no compline - recreation for the monks.

Any other changes to the monastic office will be announced.