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Superior's Message

Dear Friend and Benefactor,

Peace to you and I trust you are doing well. Fall is arriving in the valley. This is a lovely time of the year with perfect temperatures and clear turquoise skies. A few days ago I was down by the river and walked around the orchard. The apples tress are producing a good crop this year, so much so that we are inviting the locals to come and help themselves before the bears come and help themselves! Our peach tree also has a good crop. So we thank God for the abundance of harvest.

We have had an estimate to install a generator for use during the winter months when we have often have power cuts due to heavy snow. Last winter we were without power for two days and it was not pleasant. No light, no heat, no hot water, limited I think installing a generator is a wise and prudent thing to do. The estimate is $17,000.00 - a lot of money but I'm sure it will be worth it. I haven't figured out how to pay for it yet - but I'm sure God will provide.

We received an anonymous donation a few months ago and that has been allocated to the Tolomei Center to upgrade the aging bathrooms. They were installed in the 1980's and are showing their age now. The water lines in the walls will probably have to be replaced as well to make for more efficient water flow. The project will begin in late November and will take a few months to complete. We pray that it goes well, with no surprises once the demo begins.

As I had mentioned in a previous update, we have had a good retreat season. This is the first year since the Pandemic that groups have retuned in bigger numbers, so we are very grateful. Unfortunately we have had a not of instability in the kitchen with cooks coming and going. So after the last one left I decided not to hire another one, and instead do the cooking myself. It's a lot of work, but I enjoy it and the guests seem to be happy.

That's all for now. I pray that you are doing well and enjoying this time of the year, wherever you might be living. As I write this Florida is recovering from the hurricane, so we pray for them.

We continue to pray for you and the needs of the world, especially the war in Ukraine and the war in the Middle East, and the many other challenges our world is facing at this time. We ask Mary Mother of God to be with us.

Most sincerely,

Abbot Aidan, OSB

Planned Gift Giving:

To help us continue our monastic life and mission to be a beacon of light in the world, we value your ongoing help. We are a small community living a very simple life of prayer and work. We all know that prayer is very important, and we come together every day to pray for you and the needs of the world.


Please consider naming the Pecos Benedictine Monastery as your primary or contingent (secondary) beneficiary on your retirement accounts, life insurance and any annuities you might have. Or you can name us as one of several beneficiaries by stating a percentage amount. Because these accounts have separate beneficiary forms, you will need to use the form provided by that institution, many of which allow you to make these adjustments on-line, or through your HR Department.

Here is the language you would use: "I designate the Pecos Benedictine Monastery to receive the sum of $____________ or ________% of my account/policy."

Whether you use an attorney or a computer generated service like Legal Zoom to prepare your Will or Living Trust, by naming the Pecos Benedictine Monastery, your gift of any amount or percentage helps support our mission into the future.

Charitable gifts must be made from your estate or living trust with specific language - here is the suggested bequest language:

"I give and bequeath to the Pecos Benedictine Monastery $_______ or ________%."

You can give us stock directly, your financial advisor can help you with this. You can also contact our Investment Broker to assist you.

With a gift of real estate to the Pecos Benedictine Monastery, you can further our mission and lower taxes too.

A Charitable Gift Annuity is a way to donate to the Pecos Benedictine Monastery at your death, receive a lifetime of income and get an income tax deduction. There are also special trusts called a Charitable Remainder Trust which works similar to a Gift Annuity but is more suitable for larger gifts.

If you are currently required to take distributions from your IRA, you can donate up to $100,000 of those distributions from your IRA annually to the Pecos Benedictine Monastery as a Qualified Charitable Distribution.
It will satisfy all or part of your required minimum distribution and allow your gift to support the Monastery. Your IRA administrator can send a check directly to the Pecos Benedictine Monastery.

Please be sure to notify us if this is a way you would like to support our ministry so that we can acknowledge you appropriately.

This information provided is for explanatory purposes only and is not intended to be used as tax advice. The Pecos Benedictine Monastery recommends that you contact a professional tax advisor who can provide you with additional information on how your participation in the what is provided above may affect your personal tax situation.

You are welcome to contact our Finance Office. Sherwin will be happy to assist you with any questions you might have. He can be reached Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday 9:00am - 4:00pm at ext: 104.

Other Office extensions:

Finance Office:
Sherwin Tarnoff ext. 104

Banking questions/Donor questions
Tracy Shutz ext. 103

Guest Office/Reservations:
Debbie Varela ext. 101

Debbie Varela ext. 101

Kitchen Manager:
Jeff Tarnoff ext. 106

Abbot Aidan: ext. 102

Thank you and God bless you.